How Much Do You Tip A Taxi Driver? Learn Today!

what is appropriate tip for taxi driver

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Tipping taxi drivers in the USA is similar to tipping any service worker. In any case, when you visit a new city, it can be hard for you to know the tipping etiquette and you keep thinking – what percentage should you tip a taxi driver for their service?

Worry not! In this article you will get to know the proper tipping etiquette for the taxi drivers so that you can travel tension-free and make sure to leave a good impression on your driver as well!

What are Some Good Reasons to Tip Your Taxi Driver?

Before digging deeper, let us take a quick look at some of the reasons for which you should tip your taxi drivers –

  • If You Have A Quality Ride: When you feel that the quality of your taxi driver’s service is top-notch and you are greatly satisfied with it, that can be a good reason for considering a good tipping for your driver. This quality can even be considered good when you have had a great conversation with the cabbie and he or she has given you some great idea about a place if you are new there.
  • When the Service is Speedy: If you see that the taxi driver has taken the most efficient route to get you to your destination on time, this will be considered as a speedy service. Note that, you need to take a look if your driver is not overspeeding the vehicle and if you find all good, then it is a pretty good reason to tip better.
  • Consider the Driver’s Friendliness: Take a look at how friendly and helpful your driver has been. If he or she is nice to you and makes you comfortable throughout your tip, consider that as a good reason to tip better.
  • When the Driver Has A Pretty Good Area Knowledge: The taxi driver should not need to ask for directions as he or she should know which routes can make the ride as quick as possible with a vast area knowledge. If the drivers also know so many alternative routes to save you from being late to any destination, especially as a tourist, do not hesitate to tip better.
  • If Your Driver Went Some Extra Mile: When you find that your can driver is helping you out with your luggage and carrying them on your behalf, you should consider this as a good reason to tip. Not everyone does that and if one does so, the gesture should definitely be appreciated.

How Much Do Taxi Rides Cost Usually?

Taxi fares can vary by cities or areas because there is the practice of calculating taxi cab fares in different ways based on the locations. However, for every ride in an average city, taxi companies charge a base or flat fee. This base price or flat fee can vary between $1 and $4.

In addition to this fee, taxi companies can charge some amount for every quarter, half, or full mile, which is typically $1 to $3 per mile. This means, if you are traveling for 20 miles, you will have to pay the amount anywhere between $21 to $44.

How Much Do You Tip A Taxi Driver?

After the above discussion, you may be thinking – “how much do I tip for a taxi driver?” Well, for your knowledge, the industry tipping standard is at least 15 to 20 percent of the total fare. Now if you find that your bill is less than $10, feel free to give a 10% tip; but that should not be less than $1. Also, consider adding an extra $1-$2 if the driver helps you with your bags and luggage.

Remember, you can consider tipping 20% or higher when you experience a really better cab experience. For example, your taxi driver gives you some interesting ideas about exploring an area as a tourist; or maybe he or she has got you to your destination much faster and ensured a swift service. In those cases, tipping higher than the industry range is certainly a great practice.

How Much to Tip A Taxi Driver to Airport?

Wondering how much you should tip your airport taxi driver? Or even, how much to tip a long distance taxi? Know that, in both cases, you should consider the same way you tip any other driver. Because, airport taxi driving service can be of long distance as well. The difference is that you might need help with loading and unloading your luggage from the taxi cab. And if your drivers assist you with this issue, do not forget to leave them an additional tip.

Can You Tip A Cab Driver with A Credit Card?

If you prefer tipping your cab or taxi driver with a credit card and you want your driver to accept a tip with it, find out about it beforehand if he or she can accept it. Otherwise, make sure you have enough cash in hand for both fare and tip.

However, nowadays the transactions are shifting towards cards or mobile phones. So, it might be a better way for your driver as well to collect tips.

However, some passengers still prefer to tip with cash because it provides a sense of personal connection. But it should also be noted that now the apps are also enabling the customers to ‘thank’ drivers with a generous tip after the ride is completed.

Final Thoughts

You certainly have to deal with taxi driver tipping living in the USA. Consider tipping the driver depending on the services they offer and also do not forget to tip not less than 10%. And make it 20% or more for excellent services. If you are visiting new cities, it will be a good idea to research the tipping standards in your preferred areas where you will be taking the taxi driver services.

Mohammad Rubel

Mohammad Rubel

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